Find our contact details by company, department or location

ITChristiania ShippingCopenhagen+45 5555 1000
FinanceChristiania GasCopenhagen+45 5555 1000
OperationChristiania GasCopenhagen+45 5555 1000
CharteringChristiania GasCopenhagen+45 5555 1000
TechnicalChristiania GasCopenhagen+45 5555 1000
FinanceChristiania ChemicalCopenhagen+45 7872 3200
ControlChristiania ChemicalCopenhagen+45 7872 3200
OperationChristiania ChemicalCopenhagen+45 7872 3200
CharteringChristiania ChemicalCopenhagen+45 7872 3200
CrewChristiania ChemicalCopenhagen+45 7872 3200
BunkerChristiania EnergyOdense+45 3150 1063
FinanceChristiania EnergyOdense+45 3150 1063
CreditChristiania EnergyOdense+45 3150 1063
ComplianceChristiania EnergyOdense+45 3150 1063
ManagementChristiania ShippingOslo+45 7872 3200

Our unified team values inclusive collaboration for impactful solutions. We maintain a transparent culture, engaging everyone in our goals, challenges, and future aspirations.

We recognize our success depends on each individual’s satisfaction and engagement, striving to create an environment where employees can pursue their passions.

Our team consists of leading experts and innovators. We encourage our employees to seek personal and professional growth.
